Plant Sugars that can help boost your immune system.
The terms immunostimulation and immunomodulation
are relatively new. They were not used in traditional herbal medicine. Some plants are described in ancient pharmacology as
increasing resistance to infections, or to outside influences.
The studies that were done in recent years on the cells and ingredients involved in the immune system, and the understanding of the mechanism of their activities. This enabled the
discovery of compounds that stimulate the activity of the immune system, and can therefore be used to help restore an impaired defence activity.
Polysaccharide Immunomodulators as Therapeutic Agents: Structural Aspects and Biologic Function
Polysaccharides are also found in Astragalus membranaceus. This plant was also used in Chinese Supplements since ancient times. The root is used as one of the most important tonics.
It stimulates the immune system and strengthens the non-specific and specific immunity. It stimulates the production of interferone, and it’s the polysaccharides that are responsible for the immunomodulating activity. The main polysaccharides are astragalan and astragalucan.
Medicinal Herbalism, The Science and Practice of
Herbal Medicine by Hoffmann D. 2003 Astragalus
membranaceus, pp. 532, Healing Arts Press,
Rochester, Vermont.